Friday, October 7, 2011

Jester King Black Metal Freaks Rejoice

A sinister and powerful style of music matched with an ominous and potent style of beer is pure marketing genius.  Add to the equation the exceptional cover art, and you have yourself a potential match made in, well, choose your preferential other side of this mortal coil. 

Now, as well all know, in the beer world all the marketing or sweet labeling doesn't amount to a hill of human sacrifices, and many times it's a good sign somebody is trying to make up for some sort of inadequacy (insert little guy in a big truck joke here), so let us gather round and partake in this dark symphony and decide for ourselves if this brew lives up to the (in)auspiciousness of its moniker. 

A multi-hued tan head sits upon a pitch-black throne before succumbing and leaving no evidence of its reign behind.  The aromas of sweet malts, dark chocolates, and a myriad of dark fruits waft furtive across the battlefield with trailing shadows of hops darting in and out of the charred oaken remains and among the corpse multitude*

Sweet and even slightly tart up front with a piquant dark fruit bombardment, big piney hops, black licorice, subtle vinegar notes, a certain nuttiness and more oak to feed the flames of complexity and depth.  Viscous and creamy all the way down with a little tingle left behind, although the alcohol is cloaked in near invisibility. 

After the smoke clears and the graves are sealed it is very apparent that Texas hill country's neo-black metal horde (slash brewery) took a lot of names when making this behemoth, and to finish the cliche', they ended up kicking a lot of ass.  This one is highly recommended and should pair well with some finely aged Peste Noire or Ash Pool.


* Tell me Corpse Multitude is not the ultimate fucking band name, or has it been taken already?

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